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Another Apple App to Help us! Apple's new Tips App is here!

Since iOS 8 hit our iPhones, iPods and iPads a new app has also popped up! Its Apple's Tips App!

Here's a short but sweet review!

Everyboday need a few tips in life, big or small, someone gives you a tip at least once a day. Apple have brought out a new app that comes installed when you update to iOS 8. You can't delete the app but that's not a bad thing, is it? The app gives you new tips on a day-to-day basis or it'll update them every week, two days and so on,,. The tips tell you how to get the most out of your iDevice which is nice of Apple. Some of the tips are basic and users are most likely to now how to do some of the tips anyway. On the other had the other tips are great because only some people may know how to do them. For example, swiping down you reply to a text or iMessage. All in we think the app has is good points so we like it and hope it'll get better. Thanks Apple!




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