Welcome to our App Review/App of The Day! We'll be briefly reviewing Apps and telling you what Apps you should be downloading to your device!

Today the App is..... Twitter!
Millions of us use Twitter in our day-to-day lives, are you one of them? In today's App of The Day we'll be telling you why you should download Twitter to your mobile and tablet!
So, we hear you ask, "Why use Twitter and download it to your device?" Well, here's your answer. Twitter is a fantasic way to connect with people all around the world. Connect with the people you know, businesses and even the famous faces you know and love!
For example, you could (and can) follow us on Twitter with @Hart_Pro_Tweets and out about the latest news from us, tech news and much more! You can Tweet to us, Retweet a Tweet, and that's just the start...!
You can also follow other accounts and people on Twitter. Just search for the account you want to follow, find it and click or tap 'Follow'!
The good news is the Twitter app is both for Apple (iOS) and Android uses (Google Play). That's something to #Tweet about!
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