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EE's network now back up and running after users are unable to make calls

EE Network

EE have conformed their network is now back up and running after users have been unable to make or receive calls

One of the UK's largest network phone providers, EE, have now confirmed that their network is now back up and running again, after users have been unable to make or receive calls for most of the day.

The outage started at around 8am this morning and more and more customers reported issues during the day.

The firm say that although making and receiving calls were proving problematic for users of the network, texting, mobile data and EE Wi-Fi Calling services were not affected. Some users were reporting mobile data issues during the day, though.

Website Down Detector showed the outage happening right across areas of the UK, including London, Glasgow, Birmingham, Bristol and Manchester.

Twitter is the place to go when an issue such as this occurs and it's fair to say that official EE Twitter account (@EE) had its work cutout trying to respond to customers tweets, complaints as well as trying to keep them updated with what's going on.

On their Twitter account, EE have been saying to customers for most of the day:

"We're aware that a small number of customers are unable to make some calls over 4G. We're doing our best to fix this quickly.

Please keep retrying, and we apologise for any inconvenience. WiFi calling, as well as text and data services, are not affected."

The My EE app, which users can log-in to access their bill, upgrade, check their data usage and more, displayed a message after the app started up stating they were aware of a problem with the network and to check back again later.

Thankfully, the issue has now been resolved by EE, with their Twitter account now saying"

"Earlier today some customers experienced intermittent problems making calls. The issue was resolved for the majority of those affected within a few hours, and normal service has been restored for everyone. Sorry for any inconvenience caused".

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