iMovie for iOS gets a huge update with new features
iMovie is Apple's answer to video editing on the go. It's available on all iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch), for free and comes pre-installed on the devices out-of-the-box.
It gets better and better in every update, even with those that just contain bug fixes.
The new update, which is available to download for free in the App Store now, has brought with it a host of new features that could put it back in the game as the go-to video editor for those on the go.
Green screen support
The most talked about feature in this iMovie update is the fact that iOS app now has support for both green and blue screens!
It'll allow you to remove anything in the background you've chosen that is blue or screen - like if you're standing behind a green screen, for example.
For an example of how this would work, do a search on the internet for green / blue screen edits in iMovie. Think of it as if you're presenting the news: you could be in front of a desk, with a green screen behind you. This would mean you're presenting the news and you could put a news related video of a studio to make it look like you're in a professional setting, even though you're not!
Rotating videos within the Photos app
The second biggest feature of the new iMovie update is the ability to rotate videos from within the Photos app to then use and insert into your iMovie video. This isn't currently possible and you'll need a third party app to perform this task.
Wait until iOS 13 hits your device and you'll be able to use the rotating photos function. Just head to the Photos app to give it a try.
Other added features in this bumper update include: 80 brand new soundtracks with everything from pop, jazz and classic. There are some new themes and videos that students create can be viewed and accessed in Apple's school app.
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