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Instagram finally has a dark mode feature for iOS and Android

Instagram now supports Dark Mode on Android and iOS
Instagram now supports Dark Mode on Android and iOS

Find out how to enable it

Dark mode seems to be becoming more and more popular with more apps and services offering if out for users to use.

The latest application to offer the dark mode feature is the ever popular photo sharing app: Instagram.

Other social networking apps, such as Twitter, have already been providing us with the ability to enable dark mode for many months now.

This couldn't come at a better for Instagram, who's owned by Facebook, to finally offer up a dark mode as iOS 13 now also supports it on iOS for iPhone and iPad OS for iPad. Android 10 supports dark mode too but Samsung's flagship range of phones have offered it since Android 9, thanks to their own user interface: One UI.

To use Instagram in dark mode, your phone has to set to dark mode via your phone's settings. On iOS and iPad OS, head over to the brightness tab to enable dark mode and the same in Android. On Samsung's One UI, swipe down from the notification panel and select Night Mode.

Done! You've enabled dark mode for Instagram.

At the moment, there is no option to turn dark mode on and off through the Instagram app itself as it's dependant on your phone's system settings but that's not to say we couldn't see this in the future.

Remember, to take advantage of this new feature, you must upgrade to the latest release of the Instagram app via the Apple Store or Play Store.

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