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The Galaxy S9 keeps one huge thing that Apple and Google are dropping

Apple vs Samsung s9 and s9 Plus | Hartley Productions |

We get very excited when a new smartphone hits the world, and this time it's no different.

For many months, Apple, Google and Samsung have been the center of attention when it comes to the ever-changing mobile phone market. Google with its Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL, Apple's iPhone 8, 8+ and the handsome iPhone X. And of course, following on from the Galaxy S8 and S8 +, Samsung's S9 is coming soon.

By soon, we mean soon. The release date of the handset is March 16 2018. One thing that has been playing on the minds of people is: will Samsung keep the headphone jack?

Well, there's no point beating about the bush because, yes. It's on the S9.

Our little friend may be becoming "so last year", what with Bluetooth headphones becoming a thing and Apple's wireless AirPods which even have their own charging case, but so many devices and external hardware uses the 3.5mm jack.

Since the iPhone 7, Apple have said "bye bye" to the headphone jack, as have Google with the new Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL. Samsung however, have kept it.

You even get headphones tuned by AKG in the box. Fans of Apple and the Google Pixel range will know that you get a small adapter in the box that slots into the charging port. On the iPhone, you can only charger your phone or listen to music via your wired phones one at a time. You cannot do both at the same time.

Remember the says on the Nokia and Microsoft Lumia range of phones? Those devices came with the headphone jack, but with none in the box.

If the Google Pixel and Pixel had a headphone jack, we'd like them more. (They are still great phones!), but, as our friend is on the S9, we're stocking with them for a while longer.

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