It's super easy to delete content from your OneDrive account, and we're going to talk you through it
OneDrive, from Microsoft, is a cloud-based platform where you can upload all sorts of things from files and photos. And, if you have a Windows 8.1 or 10 PC, OneDrive comes built-in, to make it easier to access and upload your various photos and documents.
OneDrive is free, but you only get 5GB or storage. After you have reached the limit, you can delete files, or buy more storage. Various plans are available on the Microsoft website.
If however, you don't want to buy more storage, you can delete some content to free up space and get you under that 5GB limit. It's super easy to do, and we're going to talk you through it below:
First up, you will need a Microsoft account to access OneDrive. (the same works for accessing OneDrive for Business and deleting files from OneDrive for Business).
Head to your browser of choice and login to OneDrive / OneDrive for Business using your Microsoft account details. After this, select the "OneDrive" option.
You will now be presented with the "Files" view, where you'll see the standard files: "Documents, Email Attachments, Music, Pictures, Public", as well as folders that you may have created. You will see files that have not been placed in folders, too.
Deleting a file is very easy indeed. Select the file of choice - this could be a document, PDF or photo - by placing your mouse in the top right hand corner and a call circle with a tick will show. Click the tick and it will turn blue.
Once you see the blue tick, a bunch of options will appear in the top gray bar: You have the choice you Open it, Download, Share, Move to, Copy to, Rename, Embed, Version History, and of course: Delete.
Select the Delete option, and a progress bar will show stating how many files are being deleted and if the file has been deleted.
You can delete files one by one, and also in bulk, just by clicking the tick in the top left hand corner of the file or folder.
If you delete something by mistake, don't worry: OneDrive and OneDrive for Business has a built in Recycle Bin and documents, files and pictures are stored in there for 30 days. To access the Recycle Bin, simply select the "Recycle Bin" option in the left hand navigation pane. From there, you can restore items, or empty the recycle bin.
If you have the correct email notifications enabled, OneDrive will even email you to notify you have a large amount of data has been deleted from your OneDrive account, and it shows you how to access the recycle bin and restore the files, should you choose to do so.
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