Group FaceTime is available on iOS 12.1 and later
With Group FaceTime on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, you can chat and video call multiple people at the same time, without loosing track of the conversation.
To use Group FaceTime for video calls, you'll need: Phone 6s or later, iPad Pro or later, iPad Air 2, or iPad Mini 4 with iOS 12.1. If you have an earlier iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, you can join the Group FaceTime with audio, not video.
In order to use FaceTime in any form, is that be one-to-one video or audio chats, or group chats using audio or video, FaceTime will need to be enabled on your device. To do this, go to Settings > FaceTime > make sure it's turned on.
How to make a call from the FaceTime app
It's very easy to do.
Make sure you have the FaceTime app open, and tap the plus icon that's located in the top right hand corner. Now you'll have the option to add people in using their email address, phone number, or select someone from your contacts.
After this, you'll then have the option to start a FaceTime call using audio or video. Select the option that suits you.
How to make a call from the Messages app
Here's yet another way to make a FaceTime or Group FaceTime call: use the Messages app on your iPhone or iPad.
To start a Group FaceTime using video or audio, make sure you're in a group chat or conversation with multiple people.
Tap on the contacts or icons of the people in the group conversation, and then tap the camera option to start the Group FaceTime call.
Now you know how to make Group FaceTime calls using your iPad or Phone!
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