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Microsoft's multi-factor authentication service goes down again for a second week

Microsoft's MFA service was down last week and now it's down yet again

Microsoft's multi-factor authentication (MFA) service has gone down, yet again, today. Microsoft had a global multi-factor authentication outage last week for at least two days, and now it's happened again.

It comes after reports of people not being able to log into their Office365 related accounts and have been also unable to access everyday services such as: Outlook email, OneDrive Personal, OneDrive for Business, Skype and Skype for Business (formally Lync), just to name a few.

It's down to Microsoft's Azure Active Directory servers and services, if you use that to help with multi-factor authentication. Many businesses use this tool, both in the UK, US and elsewhere.

Microsoft have been updating their Office365 service health status page with updates regarding this problem. They can be found at: If you're also to log into your Office365 account successfully and have administrator rights, you'll be able to see other issues on there, too.

Microsoft state the issue started today: Tuesday, November 27, 2018, at 2:25 PM UTC and that the preliminary root cause is:

"A Domain Name System (DNS) issue caused the sign-in requests to fail, and resulted in impact to the infrastructure responsible for processing MFA."

Scope of impact, as we stated above: "This issue may affect any of your users attempting to sign in using MFA."

Current status:

"We're currently restarting backend services responsible for processing Multi-Factor Authentication. In parallel, we're reviewing service health within regions where we've completed the restarts.".

We'll update you when we have more information regarding this major problem.

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