Microsoft have fixed yesterday's MFA outage
We've been keeping an eye on Microsoft's Office365 service health status and administration portal for a while (since we brought you news of the outage yesterday) and can now confirm some welcoming news.
The multi-factor authentication problem from yesterday has now been resolved! It was down yesterday for most of the day and it was also the second time in a week that the MFA service has gone down and there was a major outage for at least two days last week, too.
t's down to Microsoft's Azure Active Directory servers and services, if you use that to help with multi-factor authentication. Many businesses use this tool, both in the UK, US and elsewhere.
Further updates to the ones we shared and published yesterday:
"Title: Unable to access Microsoft 365 services User Impact: Users may have been intermittently unable to sign in to Microsoft 365 services using Multi-Factor Authorization (MFA).
Final status: Following the Domain Name Service (DNS) issue, we restarted the backend services responsible for processing MFA requests. As we performed the restarts, we observed a decrease in authentication failure rates and continued to monitor the service to confirm complete restoration.
Scope of impact: This issue may have affected any of your users attempting to sign in with MFA.
Start time: Tuesday, November 27, 2018, at 2:25 PM UTC
End time: Tuesday, November 27, 2018, at 5:08 PM UTC
Preliminary root cause: A Domain Name System (DNS) issue caused the sign-in requests to fail, and resulted in impact to the infrastructure responsible for processing MFA.
Next steps: - We're analyzing performance data and trends on the affected systems to help prevent this problem from happening again.
We'll publish a post-incident report within five business days."
We've been testing logged into some accounts with the various MFA methods and the issue has been resolved.
It didn't affect users' who don't have the MFA security feature enabled on their accounts, as you'd just log in with your email address and password and then can access any services, such as: Outlook (email), Skype, OneDrive, Delve and more.
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